【视频分享】全球物流公司 DB Schenker 物流风险管控部经理 肯维进出口运营实操课老师 介绍物流人士在美国职业成功的五大通道
【视频分享】Certified New York State Teacher talks about New York City Public School Teacher: Union Protection, Tuition Reimbursement, Paid Leave, and More
如何做到? 欢迎参加本周四晚上美东时间7:00-8:30线上讲座。纽约州药剂师分享
欢迎报名 KENVIC 肯维举办的 #海关报关师职业发展论坛, 网络视频直播分享会,10/26/24 周六 下午纽约时间 4 点-6 点,来自纽约、加州、乔治亚 GA FedEx 和 DSV 等全球知名上市公司执照报关师分享个人职业发展路径,深入解析大公司工作环境与发展机会,解读2024美国海关CBP T86电商报关新政对物流行业的深远影响,享考证与就业经验分享,助您更好规划报关职业发展。此公益讲座免费开放,欢迎报名
Certified New York State Teacher talks about New York City Public School Teacher: Union Protection, Tuition Reimbursement, Paid Leave, and More
Lauren, a instructor of New York State Teacher Certification Exam, Educating All Students (EAS) Exam Review Course in Kenvic, NYS Certified Teacher, talked about the benefits of becoming a New York City Public School Teacher during a free live online seminar on Sep 21, 2024. the teacher’s benefits includes the following:
1)Union Protection: Full-time teachers are protected by the UFT (United Federation of Teachers), which offers a 200-page benefits agreement.
2)Tuition Reimbursement: Receive assistance with education costs.
3)Paid Sick Leave: Time off for illness without affecting your income.
4)Summer Vacation: Enjoy extended time off during the summer.
5)Income Stability: Secure and steady income as a public school teacher.
6)Employer-Sponsored Growth Opportunities: Access to professional development opportunities funded by your employer.
7)Job Security: After four years, tenure provides long-term job security until retirement.
8)Discounts: Take advantage of discounts from many clothing brands.
if you are interested in becoming a public school teacher, please contact Kenvic.
全球物流公司 DB Schenker 物流风险管控部经理 肯维进出口运营实操课老师 介绍物流人士在美国职业成功的五大通道
全球物流公司 DB Schenker 辛克纽约分公司物流风险管控部经理,肯维 “进出口运营实操” 授课老师,介绍国际物流人士在美国职业成功的五大通道,分享Rice University 哲学博士学完肯维国际物流运营实操课,入行做物流,成功转行的故事。美国物流行业的赛道,可以从物流操作 Logistics Operation (coordinator) 做起, 成为物流经理,开国际货代公司,成为报关师,供应链管理专员等。 从物流操作做起可以成为物流公司分区经理Branch manger in a global logistics service company,供应链经理Supply chain ,manager,进出口合规经理Import or export compliance manager也可以自己开货代公司Freight forwarding company NVOCC