Kenvic Accounting help you pass AIPB Certified Bookkeeper Exam about 1 month with your very first try!
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Certification Requirement:
The American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers (AIPB) certification (CB) is required for staff bookkeepers in many large companies. To become certified, a bookkeeper must 1) pass the national certification exam, 2) sign the Code of Ethics and 3) submit proof of 2 years’ full-time experience or the part-time equivalent. The experience requirement may be completed after passing the national exam.
Bookkeeper Career: A bookkeeper, also known as an accounting clerk or accounting technician, is a person who records the day-to-day financial transactions of an organization. Transactions include purchases, sales, receipts and payments by an individual or organization. The accountant creates reports from the recorded financial transactions recorded by the bookkeeper and files forms with government agencies. The national estimates shows the median annual wage for bookkeeper in 2015 is $35,170. Experienced Bookkeeper can make as much as $54,310 annually.
Class Topics Highlights:
- Mastering Adjusting Entries, Mastering Depreciation, Mastering Payroll, Mastering Correction of Accounting Errors, Mastering Inventory, Mastering Internal Controls and Fraud Prevention
- How to create an efficient filing system to track your finance
- How transactions are recorded in a double entry bookkeeping system?How to handle depreciation of a fixed asset?
- Understanding how to conduct a payroll and the different types of payroll forms.
- How to handle an inventory base business and the different types of valuation methods?
Class Tuition, Schedule and Location
Total 6 sessions, 2.5 hours per session, Tuition is $500, Class Reg Fee: $50, Books: $200 (Books are not refundable after purchase.)Class is held either in Queens or Manhattan, NY
Lead Instructor Qualification
Licensed US CPA in New York, more than 5 years experience as a controller in a big corporation
Related Classes Recommended
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